With a non patriarchal and intersectional lens,

Anjali integrates the socio-political context of the times and invites inquiry into how we can apply the teachings on our mats, in our relationships, as dedicated yoga practitioners and in service to the challenges of the times.



Call of the Ancients:

An Integration of Yoga Philosophy and history.


The art of storytelling from yoga’s rich oral tradition is powerful medicine for the modern times. Stories in indigenous epistemologies are disruptive and sustaining; share salient truths about our lives and are decolonization theory in action.

Some stories inspire us with accounts of those who rose up to challenge power and privilege, defying kings and husbands, disrupting imperialist empires and casteist oppression.

These tales explain great spiritual truths, bear wise messages about the complexity and the nuances of the human experience.

Anjali paces it so well, articulates the ideas so well. I appreciate the lens she brings to the words; she brings them alive. I'm sorta sad already that we're a quarter of the way through because this has been something I look forward to.


These stories humanize changemakers and thought leaders of the past and highlight how social transformation was always a part of Yogic tradition and lineage.


In this 3 to 6 hours,

We will look at:

Periods of yoga history where there were seismic shifts in public consciousness with words, thoughts and action, either birthing new movements or transforming existing systems.



Bhagavad Gita:

The Sacred Song

A 3 hour workshop


Bhagavad Gita, the spiritual masterpiece from India is beloved by millions through centuries for its sublime wisdom on fundamental questions about the purpose and meaning of life.

This timeless conversation between Arjuna and Krishna set dramatically on a battlefield has inspired multitudes from all faiths, from all realms of life, from spiritual aspirants to political activists.

This quintessential text of Yoga is unique with its emphasis on an engaged and active practice dedicated to individual and collective transformation.

Anjali's Gita offering was an absolute delight, and it seemed like the whole class really was engaged and getting a lot out of it. I've had the pleasure of learning from Anjali quite a bit over the last year or so, and she really has a way of speaking and conveying information that is simultaneously accessible and very deep and clear.


Embedded in the Mahabharata, the great Hindu epic, this revered composition delves into esoteric concepts from Sankhya philosophy, is infused with Upanishadic teachings and is a practical guidebook for every-day living.


In this 3 hour exploration,

We will learn:

Literary context of the Bhagavad Gita in the Mahabharata

Dharma and Karma: The concept of right action

Paths of Yoga: Reflection on embodiment and integration

Influence of Bhagavad Gita in socio-political movements


Lighting Up the Path:

Critical Insight Into Yoga, Religion, and Caste


Yoga as a system of teachings and practices are embedded in a political-cultural context.  The history of Yoga traverses through developments of other social systems such as religions and caste. This  eight hour course demystifies the intersections between Yoga and religions, offering insight into significant developments that shaped Yoga.  We dive into the history of caste and ethno-nationalism, and understand how it continues to manifest in Yoga. This course is for BIPOC only and aims to be an intimate, committed space where we build a dedicated community of practitioners who are deeply interested in discerning and shifting the narratives of mainstream Yoga.


In this workshop,

We will look at:

A) Learn about the early history of Yoga, and the development of caste

B) Understand the complex relationships between Yoga and religion

C) Explore how caste manifests in modern Yoga spaces

D) Study the history of ethno-nationalism and discern how Yoga interplays with Dominant cultures.

E) Reflect on how we can engage in challenging conversations about these topics and co-create communities of radical care.



  • Whether you are a student or a teacher trainer, contact me here to request a workshop and I will reach out to you to plan our next steps.

  • Absolutely. Just let me know in the contact form what you are thinking of and we can have a chat about it.

  • Yes I do. I am always intrested in knowing what people are keen on learning, please fill up the contact form and let me know what you are thinking about.