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Accessible Yoga 200-Hour Teacher Training: Centering Accessibility & Equity Through Skillful Teaching

I will be teaching 20 hours of Yoga Philosophy offering a foundation on the teachings of Sankhya, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Yoga Sutras in this training. The other teachers include Jivana Heyman, Mukunda Marc Morozumi & M Camellia along with guest faculty: Indu Arora, Arturo Peal, Jesal Parikh, Tamika Caston-Miller, Sarit Rogers, Dani Anderson, Tristan Katz, and Tan Hubbard-Hood.

This training meets or exceeds all Yoga Alliance upleveled standards, with special emphasis on deepening your practice and understanding of the philosophy of yoga. In particular, we’ll look at how we can apply the yoga teachings in our daily lives to create a more equitable and just world.

Topics we will explore include:

  • Asana - In depth study of asana, sequencing, mixed-level teaching, with an emphasis on accessibility and variations. All poses will be taught as a spectrum of possibility on the mat, chair, bed, etc.

  • Pranayama - in depth study of making breathing practices accessible, and how to teach them in a trauma informed way. This includes study of the physiology of breathing as well as the subtle anatomy such as chakra, nadis, etc. 

  • Meditation - exploration of the theory and philosophy of meditation and some accessible ways to practice and teach with a focus on contraindications and trauma informed teaching.

  • Anatomy & Physiology - an exploration of the basics of muscles, joints, bones, and systems of the body, as well as consideration of the racist background of Western science and how that skews our understanding and teaching about the body. We’ll explore topics such as biomechanics, range of motion, mindful movement, joint stabilization, common medical conditions, contraindications, etc. 

  • History of Yoga - an exploration of the history of yoga, in particular the history of social movements and social justice in yoga. 

  • Chanting, Mantras & Mudras - an introduction to some of the most accessible yoga practices.

  • Sanskrit - an introduction to the language of yoga to help with pronunciation of asana names and other key terms

  • Yoga Philosophy - this will be a theme throughout the program with weekly topics for practice, journaling and in-depth study of major yoga texts including the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali and The Bhagavad Gita, each of which will have ongoing classes throughout the training. We’ll also explore the Upanishads, and the Hatha Yoga Pratipika.

  • Ethics - a major focus of the course is connecting the legacy of ethics in yoga to contemporary practice where it seems to be sorely missing.

  • Ayurveda - an introduction to the sister science of yoga

  • Teaching Methodology - A major emphasis of the program is sharing teaching skills to prepare you to start teaching immediately after completing the training. 

  • Practice Teaching - Each week you’ll be given a chance to teach what you’re learning in small, supportive, mentor groups.

  • Marketing and Professional Development - Ongoing conversations about real world applications as well as marketing and business development.

I’m so excited to be a part of this and to share this space with you!

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