Your inquiry is central to transformation.
Namaskara, I am Anjali Rao. Whether you’re typing questions on google or joining community spaces that have brave and tender discussion, I’m a firm believer that we move onwards by asking questions that move us into right action.
Upcoming events with Anjali Rao
Upcoming events with Anjali Rao ~
“Anjali paces it so well, articulates the ideas so well. I appreciate the lens she brings to the words; she brings them alive. I’m sorta sad already that we’re a quarter of the way through because this has been something I look forward to.”
“I had such a great time learning about the Sutras from Anjali! She had such a welcome, open space without any judgment about whether we were practicing them “perfectly” which encouraged me to want to learn them more!”
Accessible Yoga
Defining Yoga: Agency, Liberation & the Wisdom of Interconnectedness
Yoga Journal
Why I don’t celebrate International Yoga Day
Accessible Yoga
Yoga and Science: Offering a decolonized lens
Yoga International
How Casteism manifests in yoga spaces.
Anjali brings a multi-disciplinary approach, integrating yoga philosophy and history with storytelling, imagery and poetry.
She also offers critical insight into the Yoga stories and histories that have been obscured by Brahminism, heteropatriarchy and colonization .
She is an Indian American immigrant, a cancer survivor and believes that a dedicated practice of yoga in all its expansiveness can alchemize and heal the world by creating ripples of change within and around us.
She is an aspiring writer, the host of The Love of Yoga podcast, President of the Board of Directors of Accessible Yoga, an international non profit organization dedicated to sharing the teachings and benefits of yoga with those who have been marginalized.